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  • Séminaire de la tortue

31st October 2018: On the Verschiebung of the stack of Higgs bundles

Cédric Pépin (Université Paris 13)

Title: On the Verschiebung of the stack of Higgs bundles


Let C be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field   k of positive characteristic. Let F be the Frobenius endomorphism of   C/k. We study the pull-back by F of Higgs vector bundles on C.   Specifically, we show that this pull-back operation (called the   Verschiebung) on the stack of Higgs bundles has finite fibers, at   least over the locus of generically semisimple characteristics. This   is joint work with Niels Borne.

Villa Battelle, Wednesday 31st October, 14:30

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